Workplace Strategy Guide: Policy Spectrum, Cheatsheets, and Metrics to Track

What you’ll find in the guide:

  1. Workplace Strategy Spectrum: A breakdown of how other companies structure their workplace policies, real estate portfolios, and RTO efforts
  2. Policy Cheatsheets: Impact, challenges, and considerations for several different workplace strategies
  3. Workplace Building Blocks: How to align culture and cost in your workplace strategy
  4. Essential Metrics: What you need to track, gather feedback on, and report in the new, flexible workplace
  5. Workplace Policy Template: How to announce and communicate your workplace policy to employees and candidates

Gable’s Workplace Strategy Guide is now available. The deep dive guide covers every aspect of choosing, implementing, communicating, and measuring a workplace policy employees will love, with insights into:

  • How other companies structure their policies
  • Types of challenges for each workplace strategy
  • Statistics on RTO mandates, workplace models, and employee productivity

What our guide shows is that the workplace is not a dichotomy but rather a spectrum of various policies, with most companies falling somewhere around the middle and opting for some variant of hybrid work. Each of these models has unique pros and cons, and it’s up to companies to decide which challenges are easier to tackle and what’s the best way to keep employees happy and engaged. Workplace Policy Spectrum Judging by the media headlines, the workplace landscape is black and white: either five full days in the office with zero flexibility or fully remote globally distributed teams that never see each other. But in reality, there’s much more nuance, complexity, and choice in the workplace – and most companies are landing somewhere in between. And every day, companies are coming up with more tailor-made solutions for their teams, so we’ll likely see new models added to this spectrum regularly. And that’s a good thing, as companies are finally seeing the potential to design solutions that fit the specific needs of their industry, size, distribution, and employees.

Gable - Workplace Strategy Spectrum

See the full guide >>> Workplace Cheatsheets Whether you choose a hybrid, fully remote, or a model that’s custom-made for your company, there will be challenges and trade-offs. What sets great companies apart is acknowledging those challenges upfront and creating intentional policies and actions to tackle them. For example, remote teams can have a hard time connecting to their teammates or even the company mission, which is why you’ll need to put programs in place to address this challenge head-on. In our guide, you’ll find cheat sheets that help you decipher the challenges and impact of fully flexible, custom-made, and office-centered workplace policies.

Policy Cheatsheets - Full Flexibility

Unlock your guide to a perfect workplace strategy

Download Gable’s Workplace Strategy Guide to see where you might land on the policy spectrum, access cheat sheets, master the challenges, and learn the essential workplace metrics to track. Get the guide >>>

Building blocks of workplace policies The key aspect of every workplace policy is culture – the type of culture you want to build will guide all sorts of company policies, including workplace ones. But culture alignment usually comes with a price tag, and if it’s too high, the outcome might not be easy to achieve. That’s why we’ve compared different types of cultures and values and matched them to some workplace strategies. Then, we discussed costs and the ability of companies to deploy each policy, track progress, and measure success.

Culture in Workplace Policy

Download the guide >>> How to communicate your policy effectively Once you’ve decided which policy suits you best, you need to communicate it effectively, with intentionality and transparency. What we’ve seen as a best practice is to steer clear of the “short and sweet” approach and ensure you explain and define everything. Start with:

  • Describing and explaining your policy down to the last detail
  • Defining what the term “office” means in your company
  • Doubling down on how the policy will impact employees and their day-to-day work

In the guide, you’ll find a handy policy template you can use to announce and communicate your policy both internally and externally. Essential metrics to track In an office setting, workplace data wasn’t nearly as robust as it can be today, and the expansion of available metrics lets CPOs and CFOs come together and ensure their strategy works best for their employees, their finances, and the company as a whole. From Average Space Utilization and Trending Spaces to Net Promoter Score and Collaboration Index, you’ll find all the metrics you need to keep a pulse on your workplace and make informed, data-driven decisions. How to use this guide Our Workplace Strategy Guide is meant to help you decipher what others are doing in the workplace arena, see the trends and data behind it, and learn the specific challenges of different models and policies. We made it as a starting point on your way to a modern workplace policy and a guidebook in an increasingly complex landscape where many terms are often undefined. We expect it will be useful to any company still deciding on which policy to choose, but if you need more advice, help, or guidance – book a workplace strategy session with Gable. Our experts will provide you with the data, insights, and tools you need to make the best decision for your business. Book a strategy session

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Liza Mash Levin
CEO & Co-founder @gable