How to use HRIS tools to manage the distributed workplace

The workplace has evolved, and it’s now a function that isn’t only about real estate, but an intersection of People, Places, and Technology. With this in mind, it’s only logical that People operations, HR, and Workplace teams are working together to establish how to set up and manage distributed work.

Overseeing remote workspace usage, managing budgets, and policies, and analyzing how and why employees use workspaces doesn’t always come easily. In fact, to some People teams, it might seem like an administrative nightmare – but it doesn’t have to be the case, especially if you leverage tools you already use.

The challenge: Streamlining how you manage people and places

The one thing most People operations, HR, and Workplace managers struggle with is how to manage the distributed workforce. And we’re not talking about a philosophical, high-level approach. We’re talking about practical aspects, like choosing tools that complement each other.

The HR tech market is booming, and there’s no shortage of options when it comes to the distributed workplace either. But having too many tools that work separately leads to not having a holistic view of what’s going on.

For example, if you offer workspace stipends or monthly memberships, you’ll be lacking transparency. Employees won’t be able to see if any coworkers will head to a workspace on a certain day, and People managers won’t know how much employees are actually using this perk, if at all, and what value it brings to them.

Yet, People teams will still be stuck with managing the distributed workplace through countless tools that add to their workflow, instead of streamlining it. Not a great outcome, right?

At Gable, we do things a bit differently.

Onboard employees with HRIS.

How can I leverage HRIS tools to manage the distributed workplace?

Connecting your HRIS provider to Gable helps you streamline how you manage remote and distributed teams and gain the visibility and insight you need.

From a technical standpoint, it couldn’t be simpler. If you’re a company admin on Gable, head to Settings > Connect HRIS Provider. With a single click, you can connect your HRIS tool - we support all major ones, like BambooHR, Rippling, Workday, ADP, Namely, and many more.

But what does this do for you as a People Manager? When your employees sign up for Gable, they will automatically be assigned to their department. This means that the budget policies and usage limits you assigned on all levels will be automatically applied.

No manual settings for each employee and no wasted time on administrative setups. Just a streamlined process that makes it easy for employees to use remote workspaces and seamless for you to manage budgets and usage.

Connect HRIS provider

Navigate the workplace in a few clicks

Integrating with your preferred HRIS tool is only the beginning. The simplicity of the integration leaves you to focus on other important factors of the remote workplace. With Gable, you can set budgets per employee, department, or the entire company.

You can manage privileges and usage limits, control payment methods and approvals, and configure your workplace strategy so it works for you and your team. Finally, you can choose the remote workspace locations your team needs, or even onboard your own HQ or office for full visibility.

As a Company Admin on Gable, you only configure policies once. Then, you can let your employees run with them, use spaces as they see fit, and monitor and analyze the impact it has on your team. Instead of spending hours merging multiple tools, you can set up your distributed workplace, sit back, and wait for the insights to come pouring in.

Leverage HRIS integrations

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Andrea Rajic